Extreme sports have been practiced for centuries around the world, only they were not always considered games, but unsafe acts performed by adventurous people. Human beings have always wanted to carry out activities that generate adrenaline, and this is how we can define this type of sports, as any activity that requires a perilous physical effort for those who practice them.

Sports that are defined as high-risk disciplines performed outdoors; that is, in the middle of nature. There, practitioners only wish to be subjected to situations of extreme danger. With it, they seek a psychic and physical liberation, which gives them a deep sense of pleasure. The severe environmental conditions present in nature become judge, rival, and even the protagonist of the action.

These sports are characterized by being sports disciplines in which participants-they have to undergo a series of challenges which are imposed by other players or even the same field.

Many extreme sports are practiced without having any necessary stadium, or track. They are sports in which at all times the participant is full of adrenaline. They see 100%, recent scientific studies indicate that such individuals who practice such games are genetically predisposed and even possess genes other than those of people like us.

Tests performed on these people in which they mediate personality traits: search for novelty, persistence, dependence on reward and not an avoidance of harm, indicated that they all possessed the extended version of the gene called D4DR located on chromosome 11. It is the longest of the human being which has a relationship with the limbic system and the cerebral cortex, who take care of strong emotions and the sensations of the pacer and the human organism; which indicates that the possession of the version of that gene would predispose us to perform high-risk sports.

It is worth noting that together with the presence of the d4dr gene, there is also the dope mina, which influences regions of the brain related to the sensation of pleasure-seeking novelty, etc. it determines to individuals they search for feelings full of adrenaline.


Its main feature is the existence of a risk that could endanger the physical integrity and life of the person who practices it. It is also characterized by the application of techniques and skills to preserve the integrity and psychological condition of challenge or challenge.

A sport, which is not considered extreme, can be defined in this way if it is practiced under particular conditions or particular circumstances that are common to it. For example, rock climbing a few centimeters from the ground (block climbing) is not considered “extreme sport,” but if it is done on a vertical rock wall at several meters of height, then the term is applied.

Extreme sports have several characteristics, such as:

  • There are no fixed regulations.
  • There’s no specific schedule.
  • Practices vary in pace and intensity.
  • Sports are original and creative.
  • There is a constant search for pleasure and satisfaction.
  • Feelings of risk and adventure.
  • Need for self-realization.
  • The satisfaction of preferences.
  • Control of emotions.
  • Personal commitment.
  • Psychic and physical liberation.
  • Search for new challenges.
  • Stress externalization.
  • Development of a different practice.
  • Fashion influence.